No Man’s Sky Shared the Outlaws Trailer

Developer Hello Games shared a new trailer for sandbox sci-fi action No Man’s Sky to introduce players to the upcoming update. Are you ready to become an interstellar pirate? If so, then update 3.85 Outlaws has your back, matey!

The update will introduce outlaw systems, the ability to recruit your own squadron of pilots, improved space combat, a stunning Solar Sail Starship, and much more!

  • Solar Ships are a new high-tech starship class, with a full and diverse range of procedurally-generated variations. These versatile and efficient long-range travellers come with their own unique technologies, and can be found all across the universe.
  • Outlaw Stations – across the galaxy, star systems have fallen under outlaw control. System authority has been surrendered to rebel forces, leaving space unpoliced and ripe for piracy.
  • In Space Combat, the risks and rewards of space combat have been rebalanced for challenge, flow and speed.
  • Destruction effects for ships, asteroids, freighters and space cargo have all received an overhaul, making gunning down vessels more satisfying than ever.
  • Feel like smuggling? Purchase contraband goods from outlaw stations, then shuttle them across to regulated systems to sell for a large profit.
  • And much more!

Check out the official site to see what is coming to No Man’s Sky in the newest update!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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