No More Robots Pitches Us An Adorable Sporting RPG Called Soccer Story

Prepare for a match up that we expect to net some seriously high scores. No More Robots just revealed Soccer Story.

Something of a curve ball came flying across our desks today when the team at No more Robots announced that Soccer Story is set to lob itself onto PC, Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation, Switch and Stadia later this year. An entirely too cute kickabout, Soccer Story is a blend of sporting style and RPG mechanics, where players can freely dribble through a comedic open world, solve puzzles, and save the world with a magic soccer ball.

While high fantasy might be the order of the day for RPGs like Pathfinder and even higher adrenaline for Descenders, this new tale of two halves is a fun filled sporting experience that  doesn’t make players tackle the gacha nonsense of FIFA. Instead, this narrative tale takes place a year after The Calamity™ tore apart the very foundations of soccer as we know it. Since then, Soccer Inc. has made dang well sure that not a soul has been allowed to even look at a soccer ball. Now as you explore the tackle the oddest of challenges, one person and a magic ball are out to overcome teams of sharks, toddlers, old-age pensioners, and ninjas. Did we mention there is also a story campaign too.

Free kicking across a huge open world, you will be able to use your head, with goal-oriented quests and offside-missions to complete across a full time of more than 15 hours. Just to top it off, there’s also a local multiplayer kick about mode too, because why not. You need to take a seat, or stand, and watch the trailer for Soccer Story, then check out more at the official website.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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