Northgard Received Update Sword & Solace

Developer Shiro Games released a major update for RTS Northgard. Titled Sword & Solace, it addresses numerous aspects of the game, revamps UI, changes multiplayer experience and more. To celebrate the arrival of the update, the team shared a special brand new trailer you can find above.

According to the developers, Northgard menus had some inconsistencies in the way information and choices were presented, depending on the game modes. The brand new UI provides more contextual information about the different game options and their impact. The aim of this version of the UI is to unify the different options and elements of the different game modes, thus adding new game options and providing the player with complementary information about those options.

The multiplayer received a fairer system that will distribute players more evenly. A new tier has been added between Gold and Rimsteel: Gemstone. The team has reworked how GP is calculated at the end of the game: all players will start the new season at 300 GP, in the first 10 games you will win or lose more GP which means you should reach a rank closer to your skill level faster.

You will only be able to enter in a lobby if you are in the same GP range as the host. GP range is currently set to 150 GP difference. Family share accounts are no longer able to play ranked games.

Previously, strategic choices offered by the military path weren’t all as viable from a competitive point of view. The new system gives players a choice of the Military Path much earlier on in a game that better suits players or their clans’ playstyle. Check out the official patch notes to learn more!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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