Northgard – Welcome the Clan of the Rat

Shiro Games, the developer of RTS Northgard, is excited to present the eighth clan to join the roster of the game. Welcome Dodsvagr, the Clan of the Rat. They’re here to stay.

Welcoming wounded and outcast villagers who have been forced out of their original clans without hesitation or prejudice, it is understandable why the many followers of the Rat dedicate their life, and sometimes their death, to the clan. This clan doesn’t have time for feasts, only hard work. They fight tirelessly to get what they want, and to survive.

The clan is lead by Warmaiden Eir. She taught her clan the ways of the shaman, so they could survive even the most severe injuries, and ensure their enemies do not. The shaman, trained by Eir, are powerful units that will fight fearlessly during the heat of battle, and take care of the injured in its aftermath. They can also lend a helping hand to their allies by healing them as well.

Some of the starting bonuses of the clan include:

  • The clan starts with more villagers but they arrive wounded. Wounded units are exempt from Happiness requirements.
  • The clan doesn’t have access to Houses, but all non-mystical buildings provide housing. Once max population is reached, extra villagers stack in a Population Reserve.
  • The Shaman Camp replaces the Healer Hut and trains Shamans able to fight and heal multiple units and allies even outside your territory.
  • When the clan’s units kill foes or die, the corpses are cremated at the Shaman Camp, producing Lore and attracting new villagers faster.
  • Overwork replaces the Feast and boosts all productions at the expense of your worker’s Health.

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