Numskull Unveil Clive ‘N’ Wrench

Clive ‘N’ Wrench

Numskull Games, just wrapped up an online unveiling of a cute 3D platformer Clive ‘N’ Wrench

As part of today’s Numskull Presents livestream, the eponymous publisher revealed details on two new games set to arrive later this year. First, and certainly the most colorful of these two new titles is the aforementioned Clive ‘n’ Wrench. Definitely designed with 3D platforming classics like Spyro in mind, the title features a rabbit and monkey duo who travel through time and space using a magical 1950s fridge. While they jump, roll, hover, and spin their way through the ages, players will need to keep their wits about them to undo a terrible mistake and ultimately thwart the tyrannical Dr Daucus’ plans.



Featuring bright characters, a soundtrack that has a Rare quality to it, and 11 distinct levels to bounce through, there’s something worth watching. Clive ‘N’ Wrench will bring its own shenanigans to PC and Nintendo Switch later this year, with a Steam Store page already available and physical Switch copies up for pre-order. You can check out the trailer for these two above or head to the official website now.




Alongside a whole host of other updates, today’s presentation unveiled another new title to add to the Numskull lineup. Due to land later this year on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms, Gearshifters is described as a dream combination for shoot-em-up and driving fans. Developed by Richard Ogden, of Colin McRae Rally 2.0 and TOCA Championship Racing fame, Gearshifters is both a narrative and action-driven shmup, based on a dystopian future reality. Think Mad Max meets GTA 2 with shmup gameplay. The best description is the trailer that you can check out above before you prepare to dodge bullets, perform handbrake turns, and shoot your way to victory across nine fully developed zones and plenty of boss battles. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like you’ll need to outrun the old Bill this time.

You can find out more about Gearshifters, Clive ‘N’ Wrench, and all the other updates on Numbskulls 2021 plans over at the Numskull YouTube now. Alternatively, just keep a lookout here because I will be hopping into some of these when they arrive.

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