Ooblets Latest Devlog

Just when you think Ooblets couldn't get any cuter!

Ooblets is an upcoming farming, creature collection and life sim game made by Glumberland and will be available on PC and Xbox One some time this year. Go add it to your wishlist on Steam!

In Ooblets you’ll be able to work the land, customize your personal and home style. Explore towns full of characters, join Ooblet clubs plus collect and upgrade your Ooblet heart out! In their latest Ooblets Devlog they bring us the following:

NEW REGION – Ooblets is full of floating artificial islands and the latest one is called Port Forward, a little eclectic town that floats in water where you will shop and battle.

NEW OOBLETS – Firmo and Side Key, two new robotic-themed babs have arrived and obviously they aren’t plant-based! Then there are babbos Gubwee, Kingwa and Skuffalo – kind of sort of, not really plant based but just as cute!

GLEAMIES – the rarest level of Ooblet is called a Gleamy. find one in the wild, battle it and it will produce a seed to grow your own Gleamy.

NEW CRAFTING MACHINES AND UI – new machines to ground your spring beans, goop your clustered custard and all that Ooblet goodness also with upgrades to the old crafting UI.

MAIL – yes you can get it!

INTERIORS – Underground clubhouse and hair salon have been added along with being able to place smaller items on other furniture.

Ooblets is shaping up to be a full fledged cuteness overload adventure and we cannot wait to see it launch!

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