Red Barrels Shares Outlast Trinity & Outlast 2 Trailers

Outlast 2 & Outlast Trinity Will Defile Your Gaming Set Up On April 25th

Outlast 2 & Outlast Trinity are coming April 25th to PC, PS4 as well as Xbox One. To celebrate the occasion, Red Barrels released two brand new launch trailers that you can see below. Outlast 2 will be a standalone digital product while Outlast Trinity is a retail version that collects entire series.

Players take on a role of journalist with a hobby of taking risks and prodding stories no one else would touch with a stick. This time, however, your character might have overestimated thier abilities. Following investigation of murder, you get to Arizona desert and right into darkness.

No conflict is ever black and white. But once the dust has settled, the victors get to decide who was right and who was wrong. Who is good and who is evil. Human nature pushes us to extremes of violence and depravity, which we then justify by divine inspiration and a promise of paradise to come. Horror rises from desperation and blind faith. Outlast 2 will test your faith, pushing players to a place where going mad is the only sane thing to do.

You can find out more on the official site.

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