Overwatch – Check Out GENESIS Part One: Dawn

Overwatch developer Blizzard Entertainment shared the first episode of the animated series titled GENESIS. It focuses on one of the biggest conflicts and themes of the game: Omnics. Episode one, Dawn, takes a look back at the times before the Omnic Crisis and explains how things turned out the way they did.

The episode also introduces Dr. Mina Liao, one of the six founding members of the Overwatch organization and the creator of sentient Omnics such as Aurora and Echo as well as the prototype of Athena. She had been employed by the Omnica Corporation to improve on what many considered to be already perfect, their AI-controlled robots. But Dr. Liao saw it as an opportunity to achieve her life-long dream, one that would affect entirety of the world. You can learn more about Dr. Mina Liao through Overwatch short stories and comics such as Overwatch: Stone by Stone or through the novels such as Overwatch 2: Sojourn.

The conflict between organics and Omnics has been one of the main storylines of Overwatch for years. It affected the lives of many playable characters as well as entire organizations at once. For an example of one such affected life – as well as a participant of the upcoming mini-series – take Reinhardt. A part of his journey is reflected in the animated short “Honor and Glory” that you can find below. Much like humans, Omnics are not united in their outlook on organic life. There are peacemakers such as Zenyatta and Mondatta, as well as militant groups such as the Null Sector led by Ramattra.

Have you watched the first episode, Dawn? Are you excited for more? Let us know in the comments below!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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