Overwatch – Make Sure To Grab Your 5 Free Loot Boxes

Blizzard has decided to surprise the Overwatch player base with a new present: everyone who will log into the game before January 1st will get 5 loot boxes for free. There is a chance to find some of over 100 new seasonal rewards inside, including new skins for Ana, Bastion, Sombra, Genji, and others.

The game also holds the Winter Wonderland event until January 1st. Players can participate in Mei’s Yeti Hunt.  It is a boss fight between a team consisting of five Mei(s) against a single Yeti a.k.a. Boss Winston who is also controlled by a player. Additionally, to celebrate the season, Overwatch is 50% off until January 2nd. If you haven’t started playing yet, this is your chance.

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