Overwatch – Introducing Brigitte Lindholm

Blizzard’s cooperative shooter Overwatch is in for a shakeup today with the addition of the latest, 27th hero, Brigitte, who is already available on the PTR.

Brigitte is the youngest daughter of Torbjörn Lindholm. She has spent countless hours in her father’s workshop, honing her skills. Everyone expected her to continue her studies and follow in her father’s footsteps, but instead, she has joined Reinhardt as his squire. Her most important responsibility was the upkeep of Reinhardt’s Crusader armour. However, more and more she found her job was to take care of the man himself.

Eventually, she realized that serving only as a mechanic wasn’t enough and that the best way she could aid Reinhardt was to become a warrior in her own right. While Reinhardt trained her in combat, Brigitte began to build her own suit of armour in secret.

Now Brigitte fights at Reinhardt’s side to protect him, and any others in need as knight and squire journey to make the world a better place, one battle at a time.

Brigitte specializes in armor. She can throw Repair Packs to heal teammates, or automatically heal nearby allies when she damages foes with her Flail. Her Flail is capable of a wide swing to strike multiple targets, or a Whip Shot that stuns an enemy at range. When entering the fray, Barrier Shield provides personal defense while she attacks enemies with Shield Bash. Brigitte’s ultimate ability, Rally, gives her a substantial short-term boost of speed and provides long-lasting armor to all her nearby allies.

You can find out more about Brigitte by checking out her profile on the official site or watching the developer video below.

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