Owlcat Games Held Content Creators AMA – Check Out the Recap

Owlcat Games Held Content Creators AMA - Check Out the Recap

Owlcat Games, the studio behind Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, held a recent Ask Me Anything (AMA) session for content creators. One of the community managers had also taken to Reddit with the full text to further stimulate the discussion. Check it out there, or proceed further below for a brief recap!

As a reminder, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous received its sixth and last premium DLC A Dance of Masks in June, giving the last hooray to the Commander’s adventures. It was very warmly welcomed by the community, with this type of DLCs seemingly being what the players enjoy a great deal. However, the team is unlikely to do any more paid DLCs for WotR. Meanwhile, Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is in for its first expansion, Void Shadows, on September 24th.

The studio has several new games in development, with as much as four being a possibility if you take the developers’ recent words into account. While Owlcat Games is not yet ready to share more details on these new titles, the studio revealed that they will not belong to Pathfinder, Starfinder, World of Darkness, Star Wars or DnD franchises. The exciting news is that the upcoming titles will feature full voice over, and at least one new project will use the Unreal Engine 5, enjoy a bigger production scale and be a more cinematic experience!

The developers noted that full voice-over adds to the budget and complexity of the development, but solutions for these issues exist (not AI), and so they believe it will not affect the quality of writing or limit ideas. Stay tuned to find out more when the devs are ready to share.

“Diving into new settings is exciting, but there are certainly parts of the team who would love to explore the Pathfinder and Warhammer 40,000 worlds further. Where this will end up, remains to be seen.”

Due to the budget and time constraints, there were certain features or bits of content that had to be left out or cut. As an example, the developers mention more content for some of the existing Mythic Paths or a deeper Crusade system for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. On the Rogue Trader front, the game could have benefited from the option to get new, bigger ships, more psychic disciplines and more unique character abilities. The devs also mentioned that sometimes the cut chunks of content return in later DLCs or free content updates.

Saving the most interesting for the last. The developers had been asked if they would consider creating their own IP, and this is the answer:

“Absolutely! Every game developer eventually wants to create something of their own. We already have multiple ideas inside the studio and while we haven’t established any specific plans yet, we will certainly move forward with this sooner or later.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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