Pac-Man Maker Trademark Filed in Europe by Bandai-Namco

Pac-Man Maker? Bandai-Namco has filed trademark paperwork in Europe for just that as well as taking a page out of Nintendo’s playbook. No trademark has been filed in the US at this point.

What we do…and don’t know about Pac-Man Maker

Well, what we do know is…nothing. We can assume that the game will be something along the lines of Mario Maker as well as capitalize on player nostalgia. It’s likely that players will be able to design their own levels as well as share them with others.

Destructoid had an interesting thought about it, however, in that using “Maker” in the title may be part of a move by Nintendo to bring third party developers into the fold.

Of course, as with anything of this type, there is no guarantee that such a game will ever see the light of day. It could simply be a sparkle in Nintendo’s eye or it could be the “next big thing”.

What we can say is that if this is a legit thing that will eventually become a reality, it certainly fits the huge nostalgia wave that flows over gaming these days. And what’s better than bringing back one of the original arcade classics in a totally new way?

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