Pascal’s Wager Definitive Edition Is About To Play Out On Steam

The twisted tale of Terrence is about to unfold in all its terror as Pascal’s Wager Definitive Edition comes to Steam this March.

Due to land on Steam on 12 March, the latest and greatest edition of hardcore ARGP Pascal’s Wager has just been announced by Giant Games and Tipswork Studios. The detail surrounding this new edition seems to point towards a big screen experience that will cram in all the elements that made make Pascal’s Wager a hit on mobile, while rolling out a bunch of new enhancements for fans of the Souls genre.

Originally released for mobile devices in 2020 as part of Apple’s iPhone 11 showcase, this mini adventure has grown in stature since then, wowing critics and earning a place as a truly stand alone big screen endeavor. Now, the team behind this torturous adventure are bundling in all the same content as iOS players can take on as well as The Tides of Oblivion expansion, a raft of premium character outfits, and some seriously improved visuals. A 4K resolution bump should make Pascal’s Wager a silky smoothing outing on PC with uncapped frame rates and an overhauled control system. No virtual analog sticks here., it’s all keyboard and mouse.

Pascal’s Wager has already dropped more than 1 million mobile players into a dark fantasy world and asked them to make it through alive. The lands of Solas lie consumed by a dark mist and a mysterious disease that has infected the benevolent creatures of light called Colossus. Playing as a group of travelers led by Terrence the Courier, players venture through distinct landscapes, discover hidden stories, and face the ruthless forces of the Dark Mist in handcrafted levels. Players braving this world will take one of five unique, powerful, and versatile characters each with their own distinctive combat styles into the darkness. A truly hardcore experience is promised from the monstrous bosses that should make great use of an engaging action combat system that tests any player’s endurance, reflexes, and planning. If you like hardcore souls style experiences then Pascal’s Wager is one of the best mobile offerings on iOS or Android. Now as it trudges onto PC, we’re hoping that it continues to impress up on the big screen. You can check out more about Pascal’s Wager Definitive Edition over on the official Steam Store page now.

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