Pete Hines – It Won’t Be The Last Bump On The Road For Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Beta Pete Hines

Fallout 76 had recently started the testing on PC and PlayStation 4 (Xbox One testing has been underway for a while) and ran into some problems. During a stream, Bethesda’s Pete Hines was asked how the beta was going.

“Ask a PC person how it’s going today,” he replied. “Not particularly fine.”

Hines went on to recap the issues PC testers have run into such as having to re-download the 50 GBs of the game. Because of this a part of the community had been late for the testing or didn’t make it in at all.  In response, Bethesda has extended the next test for a few hours.

Hines apologized to the community and admitted that it is not going to be the last bump on the road for Fallout 76, in fact, the very reason for the beta is to find these things and fix them before the game is out.

“Apologies to anyone who had to download that stuff,” said Hines. “But, you know, I’m here to tell you: it’s not going to be the last bump on the road. And hopefully we continue to smooth those out, but that is in fact the whole point of doing this beta, is to find those things and see if we can’t resolve them, while also letting people just have fun and enjoy the game.”

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