Pigeon: A Love Story Flaps Onto Mobile

Pigeon: A Love Story flapped onto mobile devices for the first time yesterday ready to tell an airborne epic of a tale.

No, before you ask this isn’t another Hatuful Boyfriend and it’s got nothing to do with the recent announcements about Pigeon Simulator. Instead, indie studio Wristwork has dropped its brand new experimental ‘slow game’ onto iOS and Android devicec for us all to find a little Pigeon love in these hard times. Taking on the role of a flappy bird in the City of London, you’ll tour the sights and search for your soul mate.

The team behind this unusual bit of detective work has rendered London City in full size, making it an explorable labyrinth. Google’s Maps SDK for Unity has even been leveraged to showcase 3D models and place names of key landmarks for the tourist in you. Wristwork has added around 1,000,000 NPC Pigeons just to make sure you’ve got plenty of detective work to do and turning this into something between a meditative casual and a hardcore grind.

I’m really not quite sure what to make of this mix of needle in a haystack simulator and there’s no confirmation as to whether you’ll get to poop on Lord Nelson’s statue either. Still, this decidedly minimalist looking experience is only a cool British pound. We are a London Pigeon after all. You can check out the price in your local currency and more about Pigeon: A Love Story over at the official website now.

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