Planetside 2 Is Preparing ‘Something Stellar’ in 2020

Daybreak Game’s Wrel, the lead designer on Planetside 2, has taken to the official forums of the game with the latest dev letter dedicated to moving onward to 2020. In it, the team teased crafting something exciting for the first quarter of 2020:

For the past seven years, we’ve seen many examples of highly motivated outfit leaders who are capable of commanding legions of devoted soldiers into battle. Over time, many of those skillful leaders (and their outfit members) have left the game. A common point of feedback for those players is that there wasn’t a greater goal worth pursuing with their outfit, and that an outfit felt more like a glorified friends list than an integrated part of the core experience.

This is something we’d like to correct in 2020.

PlanetSide 2 is a “home game” for many players, and in the first quarter of the new year we’ll be delivering something stellar for those lapsed leaders to come home to, as well as sound a clarion call that our current outfit leaders can rally their troops around.

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