HotS – Plans for Future: Resistance Skins, Spring Event, New Hero & More!

HotS - Plans for Future: Resistance Skins, Spring Event, New Hero & More!

Kaéo Milker, Heroes of the Storm Production Director, has taken to the official forums to share the dev team’s plans for future of the game, including the release of Resistance skins patch, featuring Delta Hanzo, Deckard Pain, and Firestorm Blaze, and the upcoming Spring Event. The team had revisited their existing plans and changed some of their approaches to the core areas of the game and its development.

We can’t talk about Heroes without talking about our awesome content. As you’ve seen so far this year, we released Imperius along with a flurry of impactful hero balance changes across the game. We also announced our Resistance themed event before bringing it to PTR this week, and we’re excited to deliver those fun skins for Hanzo, Deckard, and my BFF, Blaze, next week! While we have more balance changes coming at regular intervals, our next new hero is also right around the corner.

Could he be talking about Anduin Wrynn? Your guess is as good as mine!

  • Lunar New Year seasonal event is being reimagined as the Spring Event. It will bring back the limited time Lunar New Year content and add an exciting all-new skin theme. There will be more details later on.
  • There will be developer AMA dedicated to the Quick Match evolution and Heroes Role Overhaul.
  • Beginning with the Resistance skins patch, every skin in the Collection will now have a Gem and Shard price and can be purchased individually. Gold will be convertible into Shards.

So that’s a lot of stuff summarized at once here, and the team will be elaborating on it all as it unfolds across the next few patches. The past few months have been challenging for us, but the Heroes team is united with a passion for this game and all of you in our community. It’s been difficult to remain so silent while we unpacked all these changes, but we’re eager to get back to communicating regularly with you and talking about the game we all love. To that end, be on the lookout for our next few AMAs across February, March, and April and we’ll be striving to find more ways to get our developers involved in discussing the game with you.

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