Praey For The Gods Shares Development Update

Praey for the Gods Shares Development Update

No Matter Studios, the creators of the upcoming action RPG Praey for the Gods, have taken to Steam to offer an update on the development of the game.

The team noted that the title has reached the complete content check list, and the developers are dealing with the final polish passes and final feedback. Praey For The Gods passed the certification on Xbox One and PS4/PS5, however the release of the game has been postponed:

“In fall of 2020, we had put out a trailer for PS5 announcement, with an estimate for a Q1 2021 v1.0 launch out of Early Access. We’re close to that expected window. Actually, we could’ve shipped this March possibly earlier even with all the crap we dealt with but we figured it best to polish this a bit more instead of releasing a build hot off the presses. I’d update our estimate to put us in mid/end April window. I mean again it’s an estimate especially given how this year has been but it’s definitely close as we’re content complete, we are through certification for PS4/PS5/Xbox One and we’re in the process of getting the console keys for our Kickstarter backers setup. So it’s a matter of polishing out those game spots, getting our launch trailer prepped and the final global regions ready for launch.”

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