Prepare To Go Outside Again As Mayhem In Single Valley Arrives This Week

If you’re worried about what awaits you on the outside post lockdown, just remember it could be worse as mayhem In Single Valley launches its weird brand of escapism on PC this week.

Due to hit PC on 20 May, and on the same label that brought us Kill it with Fire, Mayhem In Single Valley is an off the wall tale of survival as it follows the plight of Jack Johnson, a teenager who wakes up one day in his small, quiet hometown, and accidentally causes a catastrophe. After stumbling into a new apocalypse, this adolescent miscreant will need to juggle housework, zombie hordes, family dinners and radioactive squirrels!! Developed by Fluxscopic Ltd. And published by tinyBuild, this 2.5D action-adventure isn’t anything like other save the world adventures, and that’s not just because of the radioactive rodents.

Players picking up this quest will need to use all their wits to save the world from this expanding disaster. As you navigate the slowly worsening situation, you’ll need to raft over poisonous rivers, take a class at the Elementary School of Ghosts, clone yourself, and try to keep a quiet family life. Throughout underground caves and off into secret labs, the mix of physics-based puzzles meets fast-paced platforming and action-adventure provides plenty to do with hordes of enemies and NPCs that have a variety of motivations and fears to manipulate.

If you can hold onto the portable cassette player based soundtrack, while radioactive rodents keep raiding your inventory then maybe, just maybe you’ll be able to get Jack through the day and save the world. This is one of the oddest ones we’ve seen in a while and you’ll probably be best placed to check out the trailer above. You can also find out more over on the official Steam Store page now.

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