Ghost Recon Wildlands: Free DLC and Free Weekend on PS4 Coming May 2nd

Coming May 2nd to PS4 players, be ready to join your team of Ghosts in an all-new, free Ghost Recon Wildlands DLC featuring additional story content in Operation Oracle. A Skell Tech engineer needs rescuing from Unidad forces, when has it ever been that easy?

With Operation Oracle, Ubisoft continues with a series of free updates that have introduced Special Operation missions that have featured crossovers with various other Tom Clancy games including Rainbow Six Operators, the legendary Sam Fisher, and even the Predator. Further updates have opened up the Ghost War PvP and Tier 1 modes.

In this new content, players will their perception of allies challenged when they meet up with Ghost Team Leader, Cole D. Walker, who will bring to light new information on Ghosts’ CIA informant, Karen Bowman. Operation Oracle will bring year two to a dynamic and exciting close, while simultaneously teasing future content.

Unlike previous Special Operations that added both PvE and PvP content, Operation Oracle will focus on two new missions, that you can play solo or in up to 4-player co-op, involving Cole D. Walker that may affect events in the future development of Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Haven’t tried Wildlands yet? You can for free this weekend from May 2nd to the 5th, and may download it in preparation on the 1st. PlayStation Plus is will still be required to play online.

For more information and to read an interview with Content Director, Stèphane Boudon, visit the PlayStation.Blog.

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