It’s a new month, and we all know what that means for Rockstar and Red Dead Online players. There is a bevy of bonuses available, including some sweet goodies like the Irwin Coat just in time for Valentine’s Day. In addition, each week brings a host of content to explore that yields some mighty fine rewards for the effort. So, let’s take a look at what’s in store for RDO players throughout the year’s sweetest month.
This Month in Red Dead Online
- Players can earn triple RDO$ and Role XP for taking part in regular Bounty Missions, Day of Reckoning, and Manhunt Free Roam Events. A Land of Opportunity is also handing out 3x RDO$ and Role XP.
- Legendary and Infamous Bounty Missions are giving players triple RDO$, Gold, and XP.
- Complete all daily Bounty Hunter Challenges before March 3rd and ride off with free Vaquero Baroque Spurs.
- Valentine’s Week Rewards
- Free Irwin Coat for playing any time during the week of Valentine’s Day (February 11 through 17)
- Earn 50 Tracking Arrows and 50% off an Improved Bow by completing the Love and Honor Mission
- Double RDO$ and XP on the Featured Series and 40% off an Established or Distinguished Bounty Hunter Role Item (for winning any time this month)
- February 4 – 10: Hardcore Overrun Series
- February 11 – 17: Hardcore Pro Series
- February 18 – 24: Hardcore Elimination Series
- February 25 – March 3: Hardcore Head for the Hills
- Weekly Rewards:
- February 4 – 10: Claim a Legendary Bounty to receive the black and red Strickland Boots
- February 11 – 17: Rank up five times or reach Level 20 or higher as a Bounty Hunter to receive a Reward for the West Hill Haven Treasure Map
- February 18 – 24: Claim a Legendary Bounty to receive the red Fernwater Coat
- February 25 – March 3: Rank up five times or reach Level 20 or higher as a Bounty Hunter to receive a Reward for the O’Creagh’s Run Treasure Map
- Everyone will want to be sure to collect the Community-inspired Outfit
- There are tons of ways to buy big, pay small throughout February. Be sure to check with your favorite vendor.
Grab all the details by visiting the Red Dead Online official site.