Red Dead Online players invited to hunt Madame La Perle

Red Dead Online

If it’s Tuesday, it must be time for some Red Dead Online news. This week, there is a new Legendary Bounty, some sweet FREE loot, new Weekly Collectibles, bonuses, and benefits and much more to be had.

Madame La Perle, aka Etta Doyle, is one badass woman. She has been a “procuress for ladies of the night” and has since gone on to form a ruthless band of female bandits. They rob stagecoaches and trains and are considered to be armed and dangerous. The kicker in this week’s Legendary Bounty hunt is that Doyle must be brought back alive in order to reap the best rewards for Licensed Bounty Hunters.

For people looking for some great free stuff, this week’s a good one to get into the game. Between now and November 11th, players will receive RDO$100 and a free Treasure Map just for logging in.

Collectors will definitely want to check in with Madam Nazar to see what’s new to find this week. Of course, the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue has a nice new selection of emotes and clothing items. Those who are members of Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club who reach Club Rank 50 will score a new emote. PS4 Plus players who log in will receive four Tarot Cards for free. Competitive players will want to be sure to play Fear of the Dark Showdown Mode as this is its last week.

Read the full post on the Red Dead Online official site.


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