Rend Devs Explain Primary And Secondary Classes

The developers of Survival title Rend put up a new blog post dedicated to the player classes. There is a total of 4 classes – Assassin, Soldier, Survivalist and Mystic – available to choose from. However, players do not pick them at character creation.

So, how does Rend approach character classes?

The differences in character progression will start appearing as players level. At level 2 and every level after players will have points to spend in class paths. A character can only spend points in maximum of 2 paths, which will represent a primary and a secondary class. Be mindful, because your choice will affect gameplay. Assassin / Soldier will play differently from Soldier / Assassin.

One of our main goals when designing these classes was to give an actual choice to the player. Each class has a benefit and a drawback, sometimes in the same talent tier. For example, the Assassin’s tier 1 grants 10% increased sprinting speed (sounds awesome!) but also increases the sprint stamina drain rate by 7% (doh!). So, an Assassin can run faster, but for a much shorter amount of time. The Survivalist’s tier 1, on the other hand, reduces the Sprint speed by 3%, but reduces the sprint stamina drain by 15%. They won’t be able to run as fast, but they can run soooo much further. Players could always be an Assassin/Survivalist (or visa versa), but that means they lose out on the flat + armor tier in the Soldier talent path, or the ally buffs in the Mystic tree. The goal is to have the talent paths feel as different as we can get without having a single talent path be the necessary class to be.

You can find more information as well as detailed description of classes on the official site.

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