Returnal – Update 2.0 Is Here To Add Photo Mode & Suspend Cycle

Returnal - Update 2.0 Is Here To Add Photo Mode & Suspend Cycle

The developers from Housemarque have released a major update 2.0 for time-warping third-person shooter Returnal. The team has been listening to players’ feedback and making changes accordingly: one of the main features of the update is the Suspen Cycle functionality which will allow you to pause your cycle to be continued later. Effectively, it lets you exit the game and turn off your console without losing your progress in that session.

Unlike the usual Save Game option, Suspend Cycle will create a single-use point that will be deleted and couldn’t be used again once you continue the suspended cycle.

“There are some limitations in place – for example, players won’t be able to create a suspend point during Boss battles, cinematics, first-person sequences or during intense combat scenarios – as we felt there are certain moments in Returnal that are best experienced unfragmented to preserve the intended challenge and flow.”

Additionally, Update 2.0 adds the highly-requested Photo Mode feature. At any point during the game (except for some limited circumstances like the first-person sequences), you can simply pause the game and enter Photo Mode, which will put you in control of the camera.

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