RIN: The Last Child Might Make Grim Tales Come True on PC and Console

RIN: The Last Child

RIN: The Last Child is coming to PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and PC on September 21 2023.

A new magical action adventure platformer about to charm its way onto desktop screens and into front rooms on September 21 2023. Developer Space Fox Games and Klabater will invite players to harness the power of Aspects and bring balance back to a mythical world filled with grim tales and discordant hearts.

This upcoming adventure is something of a dark Metroidvania fairy tale, plunging players into a once idyllic mythical world that. What was one a home to so many magical creatures is now contorted and filled with monsters. Danger hides around every corner and unexplored path, but there might be a way to save it. Following in the footsteps of other brave adventurers, players must guide the last child of a magical heritage out into the dark and make a last desperate attempt to save the world.

There’s no doubt that RIN: The Last Child will be an utterly gorgeous platformer, in the veins of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, but it certainly seems to bring its own twist to the animated fantasy. Protagonist Rin must build their own power s from nothing. By exploring the world and uncovering ancient secrets you might just be able to you uncover the secrets hidden behind the Aspects of Magic, rekindle your mythical powers, craft spells, and confront powerful bosses who were once your siblings. If combat doesn’t work then, you can always just use the flexible spell system to outsmart your enemies. With a multitude of combinations and a myriads of potential powers to learn, there’s more than one way through this story.

There’s plenty of familiar ideas here, but no doubt that RIN: The Last Child will likely charm its way onto my Wishlist later in the year. You can find out more or play the free demo on the Steam Store now

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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