This morning, Roccat announced the unveiling of their new Khan Pro stereo gaming headset. The Roccat Khan Pro is the first gaming headset in the world to be Hi-Res Audio certified, Roccat says.
Hi-Res Audio refers to an expanded spectrum of audio response. Hi-Res certified devices carry a frequency range of up to 40kHz, well outside the range of human hearing. The benefit to this is that frequencies within the audible spectrum will no longer suffer from clipping or “roll off” as occurs in non-Hi-Res monitors. Roccat states that the Khan Pro will not only deliver “deep bass, rich mids, and clear highs” but also hear and locate opponents faster than a traditional headset, offering a competitive advantage.
The Khan Pro will also feature a “Real-Voice-Mic” with a likewise expanded frequency range. The microphone, often a sore spot for streamers and YouTube creators, will range from 10Hz to 100kHz, picking up on lower frequencies and making the human voice sound as natural as possible.
The Khan Pro will be available in October with an MSRP of $99.99.