Rocket League Dropshot mode launches March 22nd

Drop it like its hot...

Psyonix today announced Rocket League Dropshot, a free new mode that adds an all-new layer to classic gameplay, as players must break through the floor of the arena to score. Following in the footsteps of previous free additions like the ‘Rumble,’ ‘Hoops,’ and ‘Mutator’, Dropshot will appear as its own online Playlist and in both Private and Exhibition matches.


Launching March 22, Dropshot takes place in a new hexagonal arena known as ‘Core 707.’ Regular goalposts are nowhere to be found in the new stadium, so players must create their own dynamic scoring areas by using an electrified ball to break and eventually open the floor on their opponent’s side. Once a goal has been scored, that side of the arena closes back up and the action begins anew until time expires. As an added twist, the electrified ball itself will gain strength as players continue to hit and dribble it, with harder hits giving it stronger damage potential that can be unleashed on the opposing team’s floor to varying degrees.

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