Rogue Lords Celebrates Halloween With a New Update

The developers from Leikir and Cyanide have revealed that Rogue Lords, a roguelike that allows you to try on what it feels like being the Devil, received a new update just in time for Halloween! To celebrate the occasion, the team also released a special accolades trailer you can find above.

The latest patch is aimed at rebalancing, including enemies, disciples, relics and more. Check out the Steam page of the update to find out all the details. Additionally, the patch introduces a variety of bug fixes and misc changes:

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a rare bug where you could carry a skill you left at the Soul Trader from one run to another
  • Fixed a rare crash that could happen when using the “Cursed Watch” relic.
  • Hecate now always correctly play her animations when hit while performing a ritual
  • The Devil Mode now correctly close itself when you are asked to open the Spellbook in the Tutorial
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to open the Spellbook or the Map and buy a skill to the Soul Trader at the same time
  • You will now correctly be awarded Souls when reloading and winning an ambush fight
  • Fixed a typo in English in a Witch Stake event
Misc changes
  • Renamed “Terror notch” to “Terror level”.
  • Added information about Terror gain and the number of chapters on the red thread node on the Minimap.
  • Added information about elite ranks on the elite node on the Minimap.

“Thanks to the feedback you have shared us since the launch of the game, we have been have been working hard on improvement the overall experience! Today’s update is addressing a lot of balancing issues related to Enemies (for instance through a complete rework of the Fanatic), Disciples but also of certain Relics.”

Check out our Steam review to find out more about the game.

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