Ruiner DLC Incoming – Keep Your Eyes Peeled

The Ruiner Twitter has been updated with a brief note to let players know that a free DLC is coming today. What exactly it contains will remain to be seen as there is no official listing of the DLC contents outside of a brief post.

You can play the game on a number of platforms including PlayStation 4 and XBox One as well as on PC via Steam or GoG. You can check out our review here.

Ruiner Game Description

The game is a brutal action shooter set in the year 2091 in the cyber metropolis Rengkok. Experience a dark adventure in the shadiest back alleys of Rengkok City and dismantle the corporate titans of virtuality dealers at HEAVEN.

Sophisticated & Brutal Combat: Become the boss of the battlefield acquiring deadly supplies, enhancing your tactical senses and mastering other mind-breaking skills and gadgets that will leave your foes confused and powerless.

Cyberpunk Inspired Arsenal: Employ state of the art gadgets and abilities like energy shield, kinetic barrier or grid converter. Dash augmentations, reflex booster or overload will make you uncatchable while with ghost break you can hack your opposition onto your side of the fight.

Story-Driven Action: Violent confrontation is a means to an end and trust is a devalued currency in Rengkok as you navigate a senseless world and dismantle the corporate titans of virtuality dealers at HEAVEN.

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