Senran Kagura Reflexions Squeezes onto PC Soon. But, Why?

Senran Kagura Reflexions

Xseed Games has announced that touchy-feely title Senran Kagura Reflexions is about to make its way onto PC. On 24 June you can get to grips with the Senran Kagura roster as they arrive on Steam.

Arriving on PC platforms around 19 months after it launched on Nintendo Switch, this bizarre title takes the Senran Kagura series in a distinctly tactile direction. It’s not to say that the Senran Kagura franchise is particularly timid but the latest PC port featuring this female roster is definitely different. Set in a number of high school scenarios, Senran Kagura Reflexions lets the player take part in an interactive visual novel, getting to know one of the main protagonists in a new light. The original Switch release allowed players to feign a massage and reflexology system that made use of the JoyCon HD rumble systems. Now, anybody who feels that this was just a little too hands-on can play through the same story with a little less haptic feedback. The PC port of the Switch game also includes upgraded visuals and 60FPS gameplay. Why a visual novel about prodding scantily clad anime girls needs 60FPS grope-play is kind of confusing. You can check out the story, if you can find one, in the Switch release trailer below.

Xseed regularly publishes some of the more outlandish eastern imports and I’ve really enjoyed games like Gal Metal. However, Senran Kagura Reflexions definitely feels like one that’s for the hardcore fans. Senran Kagura Reflexions is out 24 June on Steam.

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