Serial Cleaner Coming to Nintendo Switch

Serial Cleaner

Curve Digital and iFun4All have announced that 1970’s criminal cleaner simulator Serial Cleaner will launch on Nintendo Switch by the end of the year. The game is already available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One and has mostly positive reviews.  Players take on a role of a professional cleaner for the mafia. The job consists of cleaning up murder scenes by disposing of bodies, cleaning up blood stains and more. It is dangerous, but there is no one better at it. Just make sure you don’t leave a trace of evidence for the police to find.

Of course, we’re still supporting Serial Cleaner on Steam, every other PC digital distribution store, PSN and Xbox Live. We’re continously waiting for your feedback and suggestions on how to improve and develop our game. You’re giving us ongoing support and we’re very thankful, for without you there wouldn’t be Serial Cleaner as we know it.

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