Activision-Blizzard has announced a new 4-part animated series. Called Afterlives, they will introduce us to the Covenants coming in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands as well as their iconic characters. Some of them – such as Uther and Draka shown in the teaser – are already familiar to the denizens of Azeroth, while others will be completely new and never seen before.
A few previous WoW expansions have seen similar animated series to introduce players to the new content:
- Mists of Pandaria – Burdens of Shaohao
- Warlords of Draenor – Lords of War
- Legion – Harbingers
- Battle for Azeroth – Warbringers
- Shadowlands – Afterlives
You can find the entire playlist here.
Join us during the gamescom Opening Night Live stream to watch the first of a new four-part animated series, Afterlives, offering you a window into the ancient and powerful Covenants that rule over the four new zones in Shadowlands.
When: August 27 at 11:00 a.m. PDT/2:00 p.m. EDT