Sick City is Roccat’s first venture into creating games. Developers want to thank everyone for the positive reception it received during Gamescom. You can now play the entire game for free from now through October 15th. All you need to do is to start playing.
Sick City
Most people know Roccat as a company that makes PC mice and other peripherals. However, the company is expanding into games development as well.
Sick City is a “real-time tactical” combat style game. Developers promise “exciting espionage” and lots of heroes, each with their own unique style. Players will compete in 4v4 game play in city streets while collecting “Aimo”.
“This is our interpretation of a modern real-time tactical combat game,” the company told Digital Trends. “It combines the strengths of tactical classics like Commandos‘ exciting espionage maneuvers and the direct action of Company of Heroes without time-consuming foundation construction, topped with a dose of Warcraft 3’s unique heroes and powerful abilities.”
You can learn more by visiting the game’s official site. While you’re there, you can also check out various supporter packages. Each comes in limited quantities with various in-game perks. Packages run $10, $20 or $50.