Sims 4: Wrapping Up 2019 With A HUGE Announcement!

Today SimGuruNinja and SimGuruGeorge joined us on the Maxis Monthly blaring “Simsmas” Carols and sipping on – well I am not sure what but its making SimGuruNinja tongue tied and I want some! After a few giggles and before we get to The Sims 4 news, in true Maxis tradition we head down-under to kick things off!

(Starts at 00.05.25 On Twitch)

Fire Money’s TV Update!

The folks in Australia made another Youtube Sims TV video update for mobile & free play announcing the following updates:

  • Briny Heights – 3 more build lots!
  • Patty Cakes – Celebrity pastry chef event to prove who is the master baker with great rewards!
  • Hearth Of Stone Quest – Holiday event to save Christmas! Holiday decor & a frozen lake to skate on!
Community Voted Stuff Pack
  • First Vote Winner – Arts & Crafts – Knitting
  • 2nd Vote Live December 23rd – The style of the stuff pack

Choose from one of the following room layouts:

Guru Garage


The Gallery is going cross-platform in the beginning 2020!

If you don’t know yet, the Maxis Gallery where all players on PC can put their lots & sims to share with everyone is one of the major draw cards to playing the Sims. It is an exceptional tool for any building game and also a motivator seeing folks enjoy your builds/customization. Once you use the gallery you will see how much easier it makes your game so this PC player is SUPER happy for console players and now I’m even more curious to try the game on console!

Whats Install for 2020?

Biggest year to come yet for Sims updates full of unexpected turns and twists now that “traditional” packs or packs folks expected are out of the way.

For me personally I’d like to see “Road Trip” style packs in the works where we go around American states, include cars, garages, then the fashion and architecture from places like Texas (Ranch Farmhouse?Ecosmart) Vegas (Gaudy Elvis,) Florida (Modern Beach,) New Orleans (French Cajun) Arizona (Modern Desert/Ecosmart/Route ClicksyClick etc.) If I had my dream collaboration it would be with Joanna and Chip Gaines OR if we could get updates to the customization I would love more age gaps, concentration on an elderly people pack and extra eye, skin and hair colors.

I know that’s a lot and it’s my dream so I’ll dream if I want to BUT that’s what makes The Sims 4 so great, it keeps you wanting more and more…and 2020 sounds like we’re going to get just that!

Next year I look forward to bringing you every months Maxis Monthly, any major news updates, more DLC’s reviews and what else would you like to see from Sims 4? Let us know in the comments!

Happy simming Simmers and a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and awesome everyday to all!

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