Somebody has Finally Found Nier: Automata Secret Ending

Nier: Automata Secret Ending

It has only been 3 years and 10 months but it looks like somebody has finally found a Nier: Automata secret ending and completed the iconic title.

Initially released back at the end of February 2017, Nier: Automata captured the hearts of gamers across the globe when it exploded onto PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 platforms. The adventures of a human-built battle android and accompanying companions still chew up far too much time for many players. Now, after all that potential playtime it looks like somebody has finally found a long-teased secret to finishing every one of the game’s endings. Lance McDonald, going by the name @manfightdragon debuted a clip on Twitter, showing off a yet undiscovered cheat code that allows players to skip to the last ending immediately after taking on the very first boss.


Lance goes on to confirm that the ending is the result of hundreds of hours of work and, based on Twitter conversations, appears to work cross-platform too. Do be aware that if you want to jump into this cheat code you will have to sacrifice your save data, thus allowing somebody else to take a journey with 2b and co. If you are interested in checking out the full walk through as well as a little on the developer’s reaction to the discovery, then you can check out the tutorial below. Do be aware you might consider this a spoiler.



Nier: Automata is something of an iconic hack and slash RPG. Developed by Platinum Games and published by Square Enix, it is a sequel to 2010 released Nier: Replicant, which is getting its very own remake this year. While you can check out some of the new Nier Replicant remake’s gameplay over on our latest update,  there’s still tons of time to pick up Nier: Automata and play through the 5 or so necessary endings before Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139 lands on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can find out more about Nier Automata and Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139 on the official websites of both games.

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