Turn-based strategy Songs of Conquest is back with a new update, ready for testing and filled with improvements and a big new feature. Having released the new faction, the Vanir, the developers from Lavapotion are now focusing their attention ahead.
One of the most frequent requests since early access has been Sim Battles or simultaneous battles. The game already features Sim Turns, but only one battle can happen at a time, which slows down multiplayer games. One of the developers spent his Christmas working on the feature, and it is now ready for testing. Check out the official announcement on the instructions on how to participate in the testing.
“We plan to test this for about a month before rolling out a major update to improve Songs of Conquest for everyone. We promised multiplayer updates on our Roadmap, and this is a big one.”
That is not the entirety of things that the team had been working on. Lavapotion studio also made improvements to Songs of Conquest’s random maps. Most notably, they now have elevation, something they didn’t have before! It’s more than just a visual upgrade, though that part matters too.
“And of course, we have to mention Roots, Q2’s star and the main focus of the team right now. Roots will be our second faction DLC, introducing the strange creatures and beings of the Wyld forests in the Bleak East. Ancient, mysterious swamp-dwelling beasts, skeletons held together by roots, and living buildings. It’s going to be wild.
But there’s much more to say, and we’ll be sharing those details in a series of devlogs, starting with the launch of the Roots Steam page, which is just around the corner.
Suffice it to say, that 2025 is shaping up to be quite a year, and we haven’t even covered everything yet. There will be console updates, a secret project we’ve been keeping under wraps, and much more. So stay tuned!”