Songs of Conquest Received Small Hotfix 1.4.12

Songs of Conquest Received Small Hotfix 1.4.12

Songs of Conquest, the turn-based strategy from developer Lavapotion, just got another small hotfix 1.4.12. It fixes certain issues both in the base game, and in the recent DLC Vanir. What sets the new race apart from the base game ones is their dynamic with the Vildra, with the Vanir units undergoing transformation to turn into Vildra.

Songs of Conquest is a turn-based strategy game inspired by 90s classics. Lead powerful magicians called Wielders and venture to lands unknown. Wage battle against armies that dare oppose you and hunt for powerful artifacts. The world is ripe for the taking – seize it!

Songs of Conquest – Hotfix 1.4.12 Includes:

  • Fixed memory related crash to desktop issues
  • Fixed Chain Lightning effect being applied to the wrong targets
  • Fixed gamepad zoom level being reset every End Turn
  • Fixed ranged attacks triggered by Challenge ability not causing shooting troops to reload
  • Fixed yet another edge case issue with artifact trading causing AI softlock
  • Tweaked bloom values to counter the brightness of Vanir’s snow biome during night
  • Fixed leaf particles being drawn to certain other special effects
  • Fixed gamepad lobby tooltips not updating properly when changing settings (and likely a bunch of similar issues)
  • Added Ranged troop status to Grym
  • Fixed Vanir Bracers not giving their bonus
  • Fixed Cauldron map entity movement buff being stackable
  • Repositioned a blocker in Steadfast map to allow access to a pile of stone
  • Slightly changed the terrain in Dividing Fjords to allow access to a sack of gold
  • Prevent loading of saves from “future” versions of the game (applicable when reverting to older versions of the game, such as our “console crossplay” beta)
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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