Songs of Conquest Revealed the Roadmap

Songs of Conquest Revealed the Roadmap

Team Lavapotion shared a new post on Steam to reveal the road ahead for turn-based strategy/RPG Songs of Conquest, currently available in Steam Early Access.

First and foremost, the team sends out a gratitude to all the players and thanks them for comments, ideas and feedback:

“We have received so many cool suggestions and just general support. Keep in mind, we already spent over five years developing this game and we are planning to spend a few more to get it just right! To finally have a community to share the game with is just an awesome privilege for our small team.”

The team has been listening to the community in order to find a balance between features that cater to both multiplayer and single-player experiences. Among those, the team released simultaneous turns feature on the Public Test Realm and is placing the random map generator high on the priority list. The developers have also shared that they will continue working on AI. Additionally, team Lavapotion has heard the players’ desires for more playable factions and they agree but it is a large and very time-consuming feature so there are no promises time-wise.

Check out the Songs of Conquest Early Access Roadmap 2022/2023 to learn more about developers’ plans. Click on  the image to enlarge it or follow the link above to check out the official Steam post.

  • Continuously: AI improvements, UI & UX and tutorial improvements; better mod support; more skirmish maps; bug fixes & optimization
  • Imminent additions: Simultaneous turns, control hostiles during combat, forced quick battle option, more gameplay during opponent’s turn; campaign difficulty settings; 1 new skirmish map; new languages

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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