Soulbound Studios Release Another Inside Chronicles of Elyria Update

After Chronicles of Elyria creeped back out into the spotlight last month, Developer Soulbound Studios has unveiled yet another update with a second Inside Chronicles of Elyria video.

Released just today, this new update from the studio behind one of the more troublesome MMORPG to come out of crowdfunding is Soulbound Studio’s second step on what seems to be an attempt to garner back some fan favor and get Chronicles of Elyria on track. After the very first update video went through the troubled times that Chronicles of Elyria has seen, and the current state of funding, this time CEO of Soulbound Studios, Jeromy Walsh, fronts an explanation of the game’s high level development status.

What’s New?

Over the course of the seven minute developer blog, the front face of Souldbound ventures through a number of topics. This details how previous and current development split the core game components into different streams and what that means for the finished product. This is followed up with some information on current focus, largely emphasizing that management systems, trade, chat, and building systems are likely to come to completion far before the wide rolling hills of an open-world adventure, despite some rolling footage of those lush green backdrops.

Taken at face value, this new developer video seems to suggest that we’re not going to see anything akin to a final hack and slash starter zone for a long time. No roadmap or expected dates are made available as yet and Jeromy Walsh will still have to do a lot more legwork to regain any semblance of trust with backers, as well as the wider gaming community. If you’re not familiar with the rather fiery relationship between Soulbound’s CEO and much of the games own crowdfunding backers, check out the interviews from Gamespace and that landed around the same time as the previous Inside Chronicles of Elyria video.

With a chequered history and promises of more development updates, does the latest update settle your mind on this MMORPG or are you still feeling burned after backing this multi-generational MMORPG? Personally we’re not quite convinced that Soulbound have quite understood that after very inconsistent communication, alienating the press and backers, and producing nothing playable, that this series needed dot get out the gates running rather than present talking head propaganda. We’ll be keeping an eye on this for future updates for now.

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