Spiderman Miles Morales Isn’t Expected To Be A Sequel

spiderman miles morales

It looks like the latest Spiderman title, Spiderman: Miles Morales won’t be the sequel that many of us expected.

After the recent announcement of Spiderman: Miles Morales at the PlayStation 5 Stream, we all got pretty excited for the imminent appearance of the other Spiderman. While the internet en masse expected a fully fledged game following the web slinger’s adventures, we’re not as convinced now. Unfortunately, it seems that Sony’s VP head of European Business, Simon Rutter put the dampeners on things. During a talk with the Telegraph newspaper, Simon explained that

“I guess you could call it an expansion and an enhancement to the previous game. There’s a substantial Miles Morales component – which is the expansion element – but also within the game as well there’s been major enhancements to the game and the game engine, obviously deploying some of the major PlayStation 5 technology and features.”


We don’t have a great deal of information on what exactly this means for the upcoming adventure with universe 1610’s new hero. It might mean a full remaster of the Playstation 4 Spiderman game or potentially a Miles Morales debut on the PS4. Narratively it might follow the death of this Spiderman or maybe a universe hopping add on, similar to the recent Spiderverse movie.

What we do know is that the Spiderman: Miles Morales is due to hit PlayStation 5 in late 2020. The game got a fantastic looking release trailer as part of the PlayStation 5 Future of Gaming event last night, which also includes a ton of other PS5 game reveals and teasers. If you want to find out more about Spiderman: Miles Morales check out the trailer over on our PS5 recap or keep an eye on Gamespace for the full details as we get them from developer Insomniac on the full explanation of this quote we caught wind of from VGC.


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