The ambitious project of Robers Space Industries has entered a whole new stage. The new alpha, Star Citizen 2.6.1 is now on the Live servers. The update brings quite a bit of bug fixes and feature enhancements as well as promised multi-region servers.
While this patch is primarily dedicated to bug fixes targeting Star Marine, Arena Commander and Crusader, it also includes a number of “quality of life” improvements for the game, updates to Spectator Mode, new implementations of our continuing network code updates, a brand new version of the Super Hornet and the first implementation of our Multi-Region Server Support.
In addition, the team has also implemented Spectrum. It is a new hub for all community things.
What’s next after Star Citizen 2.6.1?
Star Citizen 2.6.2, of course! The team is hard at work on Squadron 42 and features for the next update. To keep players informed, devs also have updated the Product Schedule. You can take a look at it here.