Star Citizen & Squadron 42 Community Update

The Roberts Space Industries team has provided its community update on its two forthcoming games, Star Citizen the MMO and its single-player RPG, Squadron 42. It’s a fairly lengthy post that provides fans with an update on the games that have been in development for nearly eight years. RSI has raised over $300M to fund development with some of the big bucks going out to bring heavy-hitting names to the games like Mark Hamill and Gillian Anderson.

The most notable part of the update is that content is moving along at a snail’s pace. Developers are having trouble keeping up the pace of development due to complications stemming from working remotely as well as feature creep and trying to keep up with its lofty goals. As a result, delays are to be expected and the updated roadmap that has been promised since March is being delayed in order to “give you better visibility into what teams are working on, share the progress of more teams, and go so far as to indicate the size of the projects for our tech, features, and content teams”.

It’s not all dark news, however. Teams have plans to deliver some form of communication on the following topics:

  1. Give an explanation of the goals of our new Roadmap and what to expect from it
  2. Show a rough mockup of the proposed new Roadmap
  3. Share a work in progress version of the Roadmap for at least one of our core teams
  4. And then finally transition to this new Roadmap

Check out the Star Citizen official site to read the full post.

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