Stardew Valley Collector’s Edition now in the wild for PS4 and Xbox One

Get those farming pants ready – Stardew Valley is finally releasing on the PS4 and Xbox One today with the physical collector’s edition. The one-man made hit recently celebrated its 1 year anniversary in February, too. Check out the new trailer above and read up on the launch below.

From the press release:

“It’s been incredible to watch such a fantastic and supportive community form around Stardew Valley – this charming country life RPG created by a solo developer has now sold over two million copies and received over 50,000 positive player reviews,” said Molly Carroll, Marketing Manager at Chucklefish. “We’re very excited to help bring Stardew Valley to even more gamers worldwide with the retail release of Stardew Valley Collector’s Edition.”

Stardew Valley Collector’s Edition lets players reap the benefits of daylight savings time by taking ownership of a rickety farm where they’ll raise livestock, plant crops, mine for ores and expand the farm while maneuvering through social activities to bring success to Stardew Valley.

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