Stranger Things cruises into Rocket League next week

Starting next week, Rocket League players will be able to take part in some pretty spooky events when Stranger Things cruises into the game. The Haunted Hallows event kicks off on October 14th and runs through November 11th.

As would be expected, Stranger Things content will give players some thrills and chills as the cars enter the Farmstead and The Upside Down. The Farmstead Arena is guarded by none other than the Mind Flayer, so it’s a good idea to keep tabs on your team.

Players will need to keep control of their battle-cars in order to win on Farmstead Arena. Doing so will earn a pile of Candy Corn that can be spent in the Haunted Hallows event store. A number of items will be available including autumn-inspired items “plus some top secret wares developed by the Hawkins National Laboratory that will turn your Battle-Car creations up to Eleven”.

In addition to the Stranger Things tie-in, players can also look for a number of other improvements that will come via an upcoming patch on October 14th.

  • Post-game party up lets players stick with a team they’ve enjoyed playing with. At the end of a match, a special button will allow them to “Party-Up” for the next one.
  • Quickplay Button gets players where they want to go with a single click.
  • The News Panel has been spruced up to provide more information in a more intuitive way.
  • A pair of new esports teams are being added: Complexity and Spacestation Gaming.

Learn more on the Rocket League official site.

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