Strategy Fans Can Check Out Vanguard Exiles Thanks to a New Demo

Strategy Fans Can Check Out Vanguard Exiles Thanks to a New Demo

The Tea Division has great news for strategy fans with the release of a Vanguard Exiles demo ahead of its early access start. The vertical slice of the game allows players to check out gameplay action, characters, progression, and much more.

For those not aware of some of the details about The Tea Division and the game itself, it is the brainchild of Richard Garfield, the creative genius behind Magic: The Gathering. Gameplay centers on auto-battles, though with a twist. Players can look forward to tabletop-inspired action with a strong bent towards strategy. A new trailer offers a  peek inside.

Vanguard Exiles Features

  • Mechanics:In your role as a General, your mission is to lead your Squad against your opponent, to reclaim the world before you, zone by zone.  Form a strategy and deploy your units into the various zones of the battlefield, with the goal to claim as many Victory Points as you can whilst anticipating your opponents’ strategy. With Units and Actions that are unique to each Squad, battling within an environment that changes and grows as the battle progresses, no skirmish is ever the same!  Your success as a General depends on how you use the Units and Actions unique to your Squad and your choice of unlocking Units from the Barracks to lead them to glorious victory!
  • Factions:
    • The Ironhand Dominion – With the Dwarven Emperor ailing in his bed, his ambitious son seeks to reclaim long-lost lands and rebuild the glory of The Ironhand Dominion. With those lands fraught with a dark history, not all Dwarves would see old wounds reopened and civil war erupts amongst them.
    • The Scintillant Assembly – The Elven Collective abandoned their old gods, embracing a fusion of science and magic. Despite thriving in this era of exploration, an offshoot of the collective, the Scintillant Assembly, has become a pariah amongst their kind for their reckless pursuit of knowledge and power.
    • Magus – Known only as “Magus,” this shadowy group of human diabolists remains shrouded in mystery. Some claim they were a government occult project; others say they worship an otherworldly horror. What is certain is their use of dark magic and the unnatural creatures they summon.

At this point, there is not definitive word on when early access will begin, but the team is looking at EA this year.

Check out the Vanguard Exiles Steam page to download the demo.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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