Stronghold Warlords Revealed Co-Op Mode

Firefly Studios has taken to Steam to reveal the co-op mode of RTS Stronghold Warlords. In addition to being able to party up and build separate castles in team deathmatch, Stronghold: Warlords will also allow players to share control over a single castle, a large shared army, peasant population, castle defences and network of warlords under their command.

The game’s Warlords system allows players to command a network of unique AI warlords across the battlefield and benefits the co-op mode. Co-op play means advanced players can share the ‘grand strategy’ gameplay of the warlords between them, optimising their use of each one for economic or militaristic purposes.

Early on in a match one player can manage their castle estate, while the other forms alliances with warlords to bring in valuable resources and secure strategic positions across the map. Then in the endgame, while one commander lays siege to the enemy, their co-op partner can divert resources and direct pincer attacks from nearby captured warlords!

Co-op mode will be available as a multiplayer feature in Stronghold: Warlords at launch on March 9th 2021.

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