Styly Comes To HTC’s Viveport

Styly Comes To HTC’s Viveport - vr gallery space

VR enthusiasts with something of a creative streak might have something new to play with today as Psychic VR Lab Co confirmed that Styly is now available on HTC’s Viveport

Psychic VR Lab Co and HTC brought something new to the Vive ecosystem yesterday, with an announcement that Styly, the VR/AR/MR creative platform is now available on the Vive focused app store. While Styly has been available on other VR enabled systems for some time, releasing on Steam back in 2017, this is the first time that the same system has made its way onto HTC’s native VR platform. The app is online now, for free, and available for all compatible VIVE Head Mounted Displays.

While free, Styly is a hugely powerful tool for creative types interested in VR, and particularly presenting their pieces in an immersive space. If you’re busy building photogrammetric models or crafting masterpieces in Tilt Brush then Styly provides the tools to interact with and display these in a fully VR space. Styly is far more than just a hanging space, however, allowing creators to build everything from AR p[arties to VR manga scenes, and much more with just a few clicks in web browser or a full VR space.

To celebrate the release of this app, Psychic VR Lab will hold an online event for people to tour a variety of VR art creations simultaneously using STYLY, including:

  •  Produce and distribute using STYLY. Select content creators can now distribute STYLY-produced works as individual apps on VIVEPORT.
  • “NEWVIEW 2020 VIRTUAL EXHIBITION.” Enjoy the works of the finalists selected for the NEWVIEW AWARDS 2020, and experience the works that challenge the intersection of 5G, the pandemic, and technology.
  • VR Music World. Experience the intersection of music and VR, including a VR music video featuring DECO*27’s song “Android Girl” and virtual singer “Kokotsuki,” and “ENCLOSURE,” an installation work based on the concept of “sound space.”
  • Join “DIG INTO NEWVIEW 2021 by STYLY” live VR event. Experience the incredible works of digital artists from the NEWVIEW Community. Join in the NEWVIEW 2021 VR Tour and experience VR art together with friends. Digital curator and XR evangelist Miriam Arbus and TiltBrush artist Sean Rodrigo will host and guide participants through five hand-selected VR works from amazing and talented NEWVIEW VR creators.

To find out more about these events and Styly, check out the Vive storefront now.

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