Styx Shards of Darkness Launch Trailer Shows Off Some Goblin Action

Ugly Green Protagonist Kicks Some Ass

Cyanide Studio has finally shown off the Styx Shards of Darkness Launch trailer. And it was worth waiting for.

The trailer features some gameplay moments, bits of cinematics complete with energetic beat. In this game, Styx has to find out why the Dark Elves have made an Alliance with the Dwarves. Of course, both him and the players will have a lot of fun trying to unveil the truth. Sassy green protagonist will offer his valuable – and sarcastic – input here and there and gently encourage players in case of his death (not really).

Master the verticality and non-linearity of Styx: Shards of Darkness’ open environments with an array of tools and abilities. Struggling to bypass a heavily guarded entrance? Scout the path ahead using your amber vision, distract the guards with a controllable goblin clone, then emerge from temporary invisibility to stab them in the back! Styx will always have a wide range of dastardly creative methods for completing his objectives – and if you join a friend in the drop-in coop, you’ll discover even more ways to unleash chaos!

You can find out more about the game as well as preorder it on the Steam portal page. Styx Shards of Darkness will release for PC, Xbox One and PS4 on March 14th.

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