Tactical RPG Grimshade Reaches Kickstarter Goal

With $100,000 USD raised, an end of year release is expected.

With three days to spare, TaleRock Studio and Asterion Games’  tactical RPG, Grimshade reaches its Kickstarter funding goal of $100,000 USD. Check out the trailer here:

Following in the influential footsteps of tactical JRPG classics, Grimshade will have a conditional turn-based battle system (CTB). This system will weight action orders and effectiveness based off of the conditions on the battlefield and your choices of movement or actions. A character can be moved between combat rows to change their attack types, but movement will impact their placement within the CTB.

Grimshade also has a tension indicator alongside of HP. Tension’s effect on the battlefield will often depend on the character experiencing the high or low levels of tension. For example: the assassin Ruby thrives on the exploitation of tension, using it to heighten her abilities in a fight. However, the warrior Alister fights with more grace while maintaining a level head. 

While we do not have a release date for Grimshade aside from “end of the year,” with the number of JRPG fans within the GameSpace crew, we will certainly be keeping out eyes on its development! Grimshade will be releasing on PC, MacOS, and Nintendo Switch.

If Grimshade looks like it would be up your alley, it is not top late to get in on the Kickstarter support. Follow this link and support the Kickstarter campaign for a $15 USD digital edition – $10 USD off of the anticipated $25 USD price upon release. 

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