Taking a Look at Warframe – The New War

“Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be.” - Lotus.
Warframe The New War

New War is the sequel to the Warframe cinematic quests from developer Digital Extremes. But before we unpack all the goodness that is in New War, let’s get some of the basics out of the way.

What is Warframe?

Warframe is an action/RPG and cooperative third-person shooter online computer game developed and released by Canadian studio Digital Extremes for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Panic Button is developing the Nintendo Switch version of the game.

“Awaken as an unstoppable warrior and fight alongside your friends in this story-driven free online game. Confront warring factions in a vast interplanetary system, follow the guidance of the enigmatic Lotus, level up your Warframe, build an arsenal of devastating firepower, and discover your true potential in the vast open worlds of this exciting third-person combat game.

Warframe Prepares To Show Off Nidus Prime = shot of warframes


Be transported to Warframe: a biometallic suit of incredible power. Unleash its abilities and master a huge arsenal of weapons of devastating power to easily crush hordes of enemies on the spot. You can earn or instantly unlock over 40 different Warframes, each with a unique set of abilities, to go through hell all over again with a new experience.

With all that in mind, let’s take a look at what Digital Extremes developers have brought to the table with New War.

Caliban is a new warframe endowed with the power of a mind wielder.


  • PASSIVE ABILITY: ADAPTIVE ARMOR -Allies within the general fusion zone gain resistance to the types of damage they are currently receiving.
  • VORTEX OF DEATH – Hold down the fire button to speed up the whirlwind, increasing damage, then target an enemy to dash at it. Hitting enemies under the Fury of the Mind causes a devastating explosion.
  • FURY OF THE MIND -Strike the ground, sending out a devastating wave. Those not killed by the first blast hang helplessly in the air, where they take increased damage for a short time.
  • LETHAL TEMPERS – Summon an aspect of Caliban inherited from the Mind Keepers to create up to three allies, the Concubines, who will fight at his side and regenerate shields when not engaged in battle.
  • CONVERGENT SHOCK -Direct three streams of pure energy into a single point, causing a powerful, reactive explosion. The decay products of the explosion eliminate the armor of all enemies that touch them.

In a new cinematic quest called “New War” we will have to create unusual alliances to confront the enemy.

There will be an opportunity to play as characters from different factions of the game:

  • Soldier Grinir
  • Veso
  • Corps technician

If you hope to survive the New War, you will need all of Tanno’s arsenal at your disposal. Complete the required quests: Chimera: “Prologue”, “Erra”, and “Creator”. If you’ve just started your journey in Warframe and want to know where to start, complete the Thief’s Prize quest and continue your journey on the Star Map!

To be ready for the battles ahead, you’ll also need to fortify your arsenal with Railjack and Necramech. Railjack can be obtained by completing the Rising Tide quest. Railjack and Necramech can be purchased for platinum in the in-game store.

(Spoiler.) Changing the appearance of the star map, as well as some locations.

  • Plains of Eidolon (Cetus).
  • Valley of Spheres (Fortuna).

(Spoiler.) Customizing the appearance of Lotus. – There will be a number of looks to choose from, some free, some not.

On the same locations slightly changed orders. So, blueprints for the new Caliban warframe can be collected on these very orders. A basic blueprint can be bought in the store.

(Spoiler.) During the quest, you will meet an alternate self. His name is Wanderer. He is slightly larger than your tenno, a different voice. Later you can choose who you want to play (the old operator did not go anywhere, you can just switch between them). Customize the appearance, weapons you can also.

(Spoiler.) For completing the quest you will receive a new snare for your operator, which looks like a gun, and also get a bow and melee weapons.

Warframe New War 2

(Spoiler.) There is a new location of your orbiter (ship) on the planet Earth.  It is more down-to-earth and limited in action. There is an exit to the backyard(?).

(Spoiler.) The changes also affected our assistant cephalon Ordis. A new look that will take some getting used to. He can’t be changed (which is a pity). Our beloved Teschin has also changed. He left us and now we have his hologram instead (similar to the Lotus hologram)

New armor appearance kits and deluxe skins for Misa and Bolt warframes are available, as well as a skin for the guardian (helper). If you want, you can buy a support kit for the game.  The exclusive ones are: ravurex gunblade skin, narmer color palette, glif. They added a new kind of shazin (instrument), which resembles an electric guitar.

The developers released a new Prime Frame along with the new quest, Harrow Prime. Oh yes, I personally have been waiting for this handsome guy for a very long time. Ha-ha!

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